Tuesday October 17th, 2023 - Topic Interest Groups (TIGs) Introduced
Beyond the general Listserv, you'll now find a number of Topic Interest Groups (TIGs) which are hosted within Microsoft Teams as channels. These are extensions of the much-loved "Table-Topics" sessions held at each of our conferences. Within a TIG, you can share war-stories as well as helpful ideas and information.
Accessing the TIGs
On Friday April 9th, 2021 we'll be making the following changes:
Access to the Members' SharePoint Site
The use of separate "@accis-wa.org" user accounts will be replaced with Microsoft 365 guest access invitations.
You'll use your current email address from your organization to login to ACCIS's Microsoft 365 tenant and to access the member's site (e.g. "jdoe@somecityorcounty.org").
If your organization also uses Microsoft 365, you'll see the following. Once you accept the invitation, you'll be able to directly enter the Members' site without the need for authenticating again.

If your organization does not use Microsoft 365, you'll first be prompted to connect your email address to a Microsoft Account (MSA). You may have already done this if you've ever collaborated with other Microsoft 365 users.
A Return to the Classic Email "Listserv" (The Microsoft Teams Experiment Ends)
While message traffic within the 'AskACCIS' Microsoft Team was slightly higher than the traffic via the original Listserv, many people complained about the effort it took to reply to messages and to follow discussions. In light of this, we're going to be returning to the classic Listserv email model. You'll get each new message and any replies to "AskACCIS@accis-wa.org". This address will use Microsoft 365 and SendGrid moving forward.
I'll send out another reminder to everyone shortly before we make the switch. In the meantime, please add "invites@microsoft.com" to your SPAM whitelists!
Thanks! -Dan Smith